4 Simple Tips to Grow Your eCommerce Business during HarBolNas

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Did you know that last year during Hari Belanja Online Nasional (HarBolNas) Indonesians spent over Rp. 9 trillion? This year’s campaign is sure to be even bigger! Here are 4 simple tips to help you use these special days to grow your online business:

1. Have clear policies for your online store

Did you know that 60% of shoppers check a return policy before buying? Your online store’s policies should be clear and easy for consumers to understand - this includes things like shipping and returns. Make sure you talk to your customer like a friend, not a lawyer!

2. See returns as an opportunity, not a threat

For many top brands the best customers actually have the highest return rates. Even though these customers make many returns, they are also the ones that spend the most money. By providing a great return experience, modern retailers not only build brand loyalty but also boost their bottom line.

3. Make your store self-service

Indonesian people love to chitchat, but for more routine activities like shipping and returns, customers prefer to help themselves.  Automated return software like ReturnKey makes returns quick and easy for customers while also saving time and money for your operations team. 

4. Help people who are buying gifts for others

When someone buys a gift from your store, you have the opportunity to impress both the gift giver and the gift receiver. Don’t make it hard or embarrassing for someone to return that gift! Instead, offer store credit or provide a special returns process for gifts so you can always impress new customers and build your brand.

Do you want help making your online store’s return experience great? Get in touch with our team by email at info@returnkey.co or WhatsApp 08 1282334778 today!

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